health Archive

7 Foods You Need to Stop Eating Now

Though marketed as healthy or, at the very least, not dangerous, these foods are terrible for your weight and your health. Made with ingredients that do nothing for the body, all they do is add fat. 1. Fruit Juice Real fruits are healthy …
e cigarette, vaping, blu cigs

10 Dangers of E Cigarettes

Hailed by many as the “magic bullet” that will allow millions of people to stop smoking, e cigarettes have come onto the scene with much fanfare. When they are used properly, they may offer smokers an effective solution that will allow them …

7 Healthy Foods for Dogs

People love to pamper their pets, and when it comes to pampering, it’s hard to beat dog owners. Some people even make a special place right at the dinner table for their dog so he or she can sit and eat with …