Online dating is nothing new to this world, but the hilarious online dating profile diction. People love a sense of humour and when you’re trying to attract someone, whether that be male or female, making them laugh will often go a long …
The English language can be a real head-scratcher for people to learn if it is not their native tongue. Although English may be the language that most people outside of English-speaking countries want to learn, the going may be tough because English …
1. Grandma When deciding to take a picture of yourself, at least make sure your grandma isn’t lounging about in the background reading what looks like crosswords! 2. Tattoo Fail Whoever inked this tattoo perhaps SHOULD give up! 3. iPad Where do …
We probably have the litigious nature of society to blame for many things that are just plain stupid. You would not think that a warning label would be required on a lawn mower that warns users to keep their limbs clear of …
People love to share their opinions, especially if they can do it on the internet, and potentially have millions of people read them. It also seems that negative reviews have a better chance of seeing the light of day on the internet …
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