Facts Archive

10 Things You Didn’t Know About Cats

It’s well known that dogs are number one when it comes to pet ownership, since more people have dogs than any other pet. Cats can’t be easily dismissed however, since there are millions of very dedicated cat fans out there who will …

9 Fascinating Facts About The Moon

Here on planet earth, the moon is something of a superstar. After all, some planets have more than one moon, like Jupiter, which has at least 16 moons! Imagine looking up into the night sky and seeing four or five moons. It …

8 Healthy Food for Cats

As humans, we tend to stereotype a lot. This goes for our pets just as much as it does for other people, and we have a lot of preconceived notions when we think about what our pets like to eat. We think …

10 Most Expensive Colleges in the World

Almost every parent wants the absolute best for their children. Just how close to the very best a parent can get depends upon how much they can afford – something that’s especially true for a university education. Thankfully, there are a wide …