healthy Archive

9 Healthiest Dog Treats

We all know that dogs love meat and that’s probably one of the first things you think of when you want to give your dog a treat. There’s really no doubt about whether a dog will be happy to have a bit …

6 Healthiest Fast Food Options

Healthy may not be a word you associate with fast food, but things are changing on that front. Fortunately for those of us that want to eat healthier, fast food restaurants are serious about providing consumers with the type of food they …

9 Best Vitamins For Skin Health

Healthy skin with a youthful appearance is a concern for many, especially when we start getting into our later years. There are a staggering number of treatments and products on the market that promise to help keep your skin looking its best, …

10 Health Benefits of Juicing

Fads come and fads go. Some fads keep coming back and in this case, it’s a good thing. Juicing has been around for decades and numerous books have been published on the subject over the years. Now that being healthy seems to …