worst Archive

9 Most Dangerous Cities In The World

Danger is all around us all of the time. Freak accidents are rare, but people have been killed unexpectedly by lighting strikes, flash floods, and even sinkholes! Then there are the internal dangers, like a heart defect that could kill someone in …

8 Foods That Can Aggravate Arthritis

An old saying that dates back many years makes the claim that “you are what you eat.” Modern medical research is making new discoveries on a regular basis that seem to support that old saying. What we eat can have a dramatic …

10 Foods That May Cause Acne

Acne. The word that can send many teens and young adults into a frenzy, especially one occasions like spotting a newly-developed pimple the day before the senior prom! Fortunately, most people simply outgrow acne as they get past those hormone-fueled teenage years, …