10 Foods to Boost a Bad Mood

4. Cherry Tomatoes

Full-sized tomatoes are just big cherry tomatoes, but the distinction is important for our purposes. Tomatoes are rich in the antioxidant lycopene. Antioxidants are amazing when it comes to repairing and preventing damage to our bodies and lycopene in particular can help prevent inflammation in the brain. This inflammation can lead to depression symptoms so a healthy brain means a healthy mood.

Lycopene is found in the skin of the tomato, so this is where the cherry variety come into play; a handful cherry tomatoes has more lycopene-rich skin than a single full size tomato does. Interestingly enough, olive oil has been found to aid in the lycopene absorption process and has a bunch of health benefits in its own right. A handful of cherry tomatoes and a drizzle of olive oil should be in order for your next salad; you can serve it as a side to your mussels.