9 Foods That Can Aid Digestion

Where diet is concerned, so many of us get unwittingly locked into eating the same type of food we grew up having. Whether that is a good thing depends on what kind of food your parents provided for you when you were a kid. It often pays to look a bit beyond the traditional foods you had growing up, especially if your family’s eating habits were not particularly healthy. Unhealthy “junk” foods can end up being the cause of many health problems, including trouble with digestion – often call indigestion. The following are some foods you may want to consider adding to your diet since these foods can actually aid digestion.

#1 Fiber

Image Source: Son of Groucho

Image Source: Son of Groucho

Fiber-rich foods are one of your body’s best friends. If you didn’t eat any fiber at all, it would become difficult for your body to digest and move food through your digestive tract. Keeping food moving through your digestive system the way nature intended will make you feel healthier and more energetic. The following foods tend to be high in fiber and should be part of everyone’s diet: Fruit, legumes, nuts, vegetables, and whole grains.