Misc Archive

9 Signs of Fleas on Dogs

If it’s one thing every dog owner dreads, it’s finding out that their beloved canine companion is infested with fleas. These pesky little blood suckers literally sap the life out of your pet, and cause major discomfort and distress. Even worse, a …

8 Ways to Save iPhone Battery

Battery life has now become a prime concern in the modern lifestyle. Though iphone is not a basic power hog, there are possible ways for the iphone battery to drain quickly. If you are looking for real tips to avoid charging your …

11 Signs of Identity Theft

Life experience teaches most people that you’ve got to take the bad along with the good, and that certainly applies to the super-connected digital world we live in today. As convenient as it is to shop online or purchase a latte using …

9 Signs That God Exists

Whether or not someone believes in God depends upon many things. In some cases, people are brought up in religious environments that are so oppressive, they are practically brainwashed into believing. In other cases, the opposite is the case, and people are …

10 Ways To Save Money In College

While some college students are fortunate enough to have parents that are willing and able to make their college years a free ride, others have to put more thought and effort into saving what little money they have. For those who live …