Some people may be surprised to discover what dogs will eat. We often think of them exclusively as meat-eaters, and although meat may be their cuisine of choice, most dogs will consider eating things that we would never expect them to like. Dogs have been known to eat fruits and vegetables quite happily. From corn-on-the-cob to watermelon, there’s a canine out there that will eat almost anything we normally consider to be “people food.” When feeding dogs a variety of foods we normally eat, it is essential to know what is harmful to them. There are certain foods we can safely gorge ourselves on that are fatal to dogs. Make sure you understand how safe any food is for a dog before you allow them to have it. Here’s are some foods that are especially harmful and should never be fed to dogs.
#1 Onions and garlic

Image Source: Micolo J
Millions of us love to liven up our meals with onions, garlic, or perhaps even both. Although you may love it, don’t make the mistake of feeding it to your dog. Both onions and garlic can promote the destruction of red blood cells in canines, which can lead to anemia. Even the onion powder that is found in some foods can be a problem for dogs. While a tiny piece of onion may be OK for a dog once in a while, and will probably do no damage, it’s best to avoid giving it to them at all.