Once just a distant memory in the minds of our parents our grandparents, bedbugs were not something most of us had to worry about. The closest most of us ever came to a bed bug was probably when we heard someone repeat the old bedtime expression, “good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” For the individual that came up with that expression, bed bugs were probably something they dealt with on a regular basis. After years of considering them mostly non-existent, bed bugs are back, and they have become a nuisance for many people as the highly mobile pests hitchhike their way into traveler’s homes on luggage, bedding, or anything else they can hide out in. Here are some ways you can tell if bed bugs have moved into your home.
#1 Bites

Image Source: hiroo yamagata
This is often the first thing someone will notice after their home has been invaded by bed bugs. Bed bugs take up residence in bedroom areas, and then come out at night when people are sleeping to bite them and feed on their blood. The red bite marks and welts will show up more prominently on some compared to others depending on skin sensitivity. The bites are often itchy, and appear commonly on the arms and shoulders.