Ginger is a very popular ingredient in many prepared meals, especially in Asian countries where the focus seems to be more on healthier foods like vegetables and spices. Here in the west, mot of us are certainly familiar with ginger ale, which gets its distinctive flavor from ginger – at least when it is made from natural ingredients. It turns out there is a whole lot more to ginger than just a good flavor for a soft drink, or an ingredient in our favorite dish at an Asian restaurant. Ginger has numerous health benefits, and we could probably all benefit from eating more of it. Here are a few ways ginger can help improve your health.
#1 Cancer risk

Image Source: andresmh
Medical research has found that ginger may be beneficial in the fight against cancer. One study determined that ginger may help treat ovarian cancer, while the other discovered that it may help in the battle against colorectal cancer by slowing the grown of cancer cells.