Sometimes we are lucky enough to be forced into making decisions in life that we actually want to make. Like what to do with that $5,000 you saved up over the past year or two. When it comes to stuff, there are a whole host of thing you could spend that money on. Stuff is great, and can provide a lot of fun, but will it change you? For the better, that is. That’s one reason you should consider spending that extra cash on a trip. Going somewhere you have never been before, particularly a place where the culture differs from your own, can be an amazing experience. There’s a saying that states that “travel broadens the mind.” Taking a trip will probably provide you with more lasting memories than “stuff” will. Here are more reasons you should consider choosing a vacation over more stuff.
#1 See new places

Image Source: woodleywonderworks
Some people are content to spend their entire lives in their hometown and never see too far beyond their borders. Many other people have a natural curiosity about the rest of the world that exists beyond those borders, and have a desire to visit other places. Even those who do not wish to travel owe it to themselves to at least try it once. Sometimes new adventures lead to new found passions.
#2 Visit family

Image Source: Artfulone
While some people never leave the area where they are born while others move across the world to start new lives in another country. People who have settled in far away lands will most likely have family that still live in their home country who would like to see them. Traveling home to see family is an experience that will probably always be remembered and cherished. This is especially true if you have elderly relative who may not be around five or ten years down the road.
#3 Get educated
Many of us aren’t fond of learning new things the traditional way, such as sitting in a university classroom. Travel is a great way to learn new things, and is unlikely to be boring. Learning about culture and history from a book or a classroom is one thing, but traveling to another area of the world to experience it first hand will certainly make more of an impression on you, and you will learn things that will stay with you longer than what you might learn from a book.
#4 Escape!

Image Source: Alex Rebosa
Most parents love their children and will do virtually anything for them. Still, getting away from the kids for a while to enjoy a trip is likely to be a positive experience for you and your children. There’s a lot of truth to the saying that proclaims, “absence makes the heart grow fonder.” A little time away is likely to make your kids appreciate you more, and make you a better parent as well.
#5 All in the family

Image Source: Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism
On the other hand, every vacation getaway you plan does not have to exclude the kids. On the contrary, taking the kids on a family vacation can be a great experience and one you will all remember fondly. Kids are full of curiosity and wonder, and they love to visit new places and see new things. Taking your kids on a trip will probably provide them with memories that will stay with them for life.
#6 Splurge!

Image Source: Trysil
Going on a trip often means a lot of dining out and experiencing new things. Not everyone can afford to dine our or spend money on other types of entertainment on a regular basis, so a vacation trip is usually a great time to spoil yourselves by doing things you do not normally do at home. Take a little extra time to save for a vacation to avoid cutting things too close so you will have the money for all those little extras.
#7 New appreciation for home

Image Source: David Sawyer
As educational and fun as a trip abroad might be, and as much as you may appreciate and admire other people and their cultures, you may find yourself traveling in places that make you appreciate your home even more than you previously have. There are likely to be an abundance of places in the world that you would consider nice to visit, but may not want to live there.
#8 Appreciate your comfort

Image Source: Amic Hoteles Hotel Horizonte
Depending on the number of stars your hotel accommodations boast, the sleeping arrangements may not be ideal. Even very expensive accommodations may simply not be what you are accustomed to, and have you wishing you could have brought your own bed along. Getting back home and spending that first night in your own bed again will probably give you new appreciation for the comforts of home.
#9 Strengthen your relationship

Image Source: faungg’s photo
There’s something about striking out with your loved ones and exploring new places that makes you appreciate them more. A relationship that is not on solid ground could end up being challenged by travel, but good relationships are much more likely to be strengthened, partly because you will have more time to focus on one another without all the usual distractions that are typical of life at home.
#10 Making memories

Image Source: Danny Baza Blas
For many people, some of their most vivid and most valued memories are made while traveling. And it doesn’t even take a trip to another country or continent to make those memories. Oftentimes a vacation destination that may only be an hour or so away from home by automobile has all the ingredients required to make memories that will last a lifetime.
#11 Reduce clutter

Image Source: Blake Patterson
Yes, we all know how great new stuff can be, but is your home already a bit overstocked with stuff? Sometimes you realize that you really don’t need that new electronic toy, especially if your home is already chock full of them. Using that extra money on a vacation trip will help you keep your home a little neater, and give you what may be much-needed time away from your normal routine to relax and think of little else beyond your loved ones and yourself.