10 Things You Didn’t Know About Cats

It’s well known that dogs are number one when it comes to pet ownership, since more people have dogs than any other pet. Cats can’t be easily dismissed however, since there are millions of very dedicated cat fans out there who will do just about anything to keep their cat happy. There are a lot of things we take for granted regarding cats, including a lot of “facts” we have hard about cats that we assume are true. It may surprise you to learn that some things you have heard about cats just aren’t true at all. Check out the following cat facts and see how your knowledge of felines measures up.

#1 Communication

Image Source: Dino Quinzani

Image Source: Dino Quinzani

Cat owners are likely to be quite familiar how their cat communicates with them, but did you know that cats communicate among themselves by using their noses? When cats feel comfortable enough with each other, they will often touch noses as a kind of greeting, and also to exchange other tidbits of information about how they are feeling, what they have been doing, and where they have been.