Health Archive

9 Symptoms of Alcohol Poisoning

Many of us don’t associate drinking alcohol with the word “poison,” but the sad fact of the matter is that alcohol is exactly that. Like so many other poisons, the body can deal with a small amount, but the situation can become …

5 Signs of Vitamin D Deficiency

We’ve been hearing about the many benefits of vitamin D for a number of years but research shows that up to a billion people worldwide are still not getting enough of this vital nutrient and that can cause a host of health …

9 Signs You Drink Too Much Alcohol

Drinking is a way of blowing off some steam, having a laugh and enjoying a night out; but it can also be very harmful if you’re not being careful. Its substances are addictive and many drinkers out there don’t even know they’ve …

9 Symptoms That Could Mean Liver Damage

The liver is an absolutely vital organ, and is one that we are unable to survive without. The liver cleans and detoxifies the body continuously, and prevents the dangerous build-up of contaminants that would eventually cause death. Liver damage is commonly caused …

9 Ways To Stop Bad Breath

Bad breath is not something most of us want to be worrying about. In a perfect world we would all have perfect breath all the time – with a hint of wintergreen, peppermint or perhaps fresh flowers. We do not live in …